![欢迎来利斯 Welcome to Leith](https://static.taozi.icu/maiqiaoworld.com/static/loading.gif)
新来者是声名狼藉的白人至上主义分子Craig Cobb。他悄无声息地抢购地皮,计划接管城镇政府的工作建立所谓的“Cobb镇”——一个人白人至上主义分子的聚集地。他组织了一些白人至上主义分子与新纳粹分子,讨好他们,为他们提供住所。在此过程中,Cobb并未使自己受到利斯人的爱戴。当他的行为愈发具有威胁性,局势变得日益紧张之时,利斯人不得不在绝望中寻找方法将Craig Cobb这个不受人欢迎的邻居驱逐出去。
'Welcome to Leith' is a feature documentary chronicling the attempted takeover of a small town in North Dakota by notorious white supremacist Craig Cobb. Filmed in the days leading up to Cobb's arrest for terrorizing the townspeople on an armed patrol and his subsequent release from jail six months later, the film is an eerie document of American DIY ideals.