當金正恩被改花名 Rocket Man,北韓批評美國總統特朗普亂吠,首爾的街頭K房竟然咆哮喊著「金正恩萬歲」!龐克樂團栗島海盜由兩位青年組成,音樂監製是2012年曾因惡搞北韓軍人持槍照並轉發Twitter,而遭韓國政府指控違反國家安全法的攝影師朴正根。既然時局容不了他們,就走向地下Rock 'n' Roll!紀錄片導演鄭潤錫以玩味手法與這隊小眾搖滾樂隊一齊high翻天,機關槍式歌詞大家未必追得切聽得明,一輪嘴非求其亂噏,歇斯底里狂哮除了揶揄北韓領導人,骨子裡還抗議南韓的貪腐體制,衝擊傳媒主流文化,在憤世嫉俗的嘈音中,難得地唱出見不到一點光明的世道,以及年輕一代的心底話。
Move over, Joan Baez – it’s time to for the Bamseom Pirates! Anti- establishment, rebellious, and borderline anarchist, Bamseom Pirates is an infamous two-man noisecore band whose barely- comprehensible lyrics lambasting capitalists, right-wing politics, and North Korea have earned them gigs at protests all over South Korea. However, when their producer is accused of breaking the National Security Law on Twitter, the band members find themselves taking on the law and questioning how free they truly are in their “democratic” nation. Jung Yoon-suk’s incendiary second feature-length documentary will spark debates about the limits of free speech and serve as an important lesson in activism through music.