Amanda Ang AmandaAng
Amanda has played numerous roles from Shakespearean tragedies to sketch comedies for the stage and on screen. Her рerformance in Last Madame won Amanda bronze in the Best Performance by an Actress category at the 2020 New York Festivals TV & Film Awards and also currently nominated for the Best Actress in a Supporting Role at the 25th Asian TV Awards. In 2019, Amanda was nominated for Best Actor in A Leading Role at the 16th Boh Cameronian Ar...(展开全部) Amanda has played numerous roles from Shakespearean tragedies to sketch comedies for the stage and on screen. Her рerformance in Last Madame won Amanda bronze in the Best Performance by an Actress category at the 2020 New York Festivals TV & Film Awards and also currently nominated for the Best Actress in a Supporting Role at the 25th Asian TV Awards. In 2019, Amanda was nominated for Best Actor in A Leading Role at the 16th Boh Cameronian Arts Awards for her stage performance in The Optic Trilogy. (摘自Amanda Ang的Ins)