高然 Ranyu Gao
概念设计师,艺术总监。毕业于Bournemouth University, 3D电脑动画专业。曾就职于追光动画,从事概念设计、艺术指导以及传统绘画插画工作10余年。参与制作多部长片动画以及商业动画,对相关领域有着丰富的创作经验。
Concept Designer, Art Director. Graduated from Bournemouth University, majoring in 3D Computer Animation. With over 10 years of experience, worked at Light Chaser Animation, specializing in concept design, art direction, and illustration. Invo...(展开全部) 概念设计师,艺术总监。毕业于Bournemouth University, 3D电脑动画专业。曾就职于追光动画,从事概念设计、艺术指导以及传统绘画插画工作10余年。参与制作多部长片动画以及商业动画,对相关领域有着丰富的创作经验。
Concept Designer, Art Director. Graduated from Bournemouth University, majoring in 3D Computer Animation. With over 10 years of experience, worked at Light Chaser Animation, specializing in concept design, art direction, and illustration. Involved in the production of numerous animation films and commercials, Having extensive creative experience in the relevant field.