祐尔曼 Matt Uelmen
27岁的加利福尼亚职业作曲家MATT ULEMEN自1994年起即开始了他的游戏音乐创作生涯,由最初的MD/GB等游戏平台一直到对游戏音乐表现而言更为完美的PC平台,他目前已是暴雪公 司的金牌作曲,由他谱曲(并主奏?)的DIABLO/2/Lord of Destruction系列的背景/主题音乐脍炙人口,深深地打动了音乐爱好者的心,该系列乐曲曲风难以想象地将细腻、华美、诡异、磅礴、东/西部少数民 族等气质完美地糅合并体现了出来,使得音乐具有了如同鸦片般难以抗拒的吸引力。
Matt Uelmen (Ohl-min) (bo...(展开全部) 27岁的加利福尼亚职业作曲家MATT ULEMEN自1994年起即开始了他的游戏音乐创作生涯,由最初的MD/GB等游戏平台一直到对游戏音乐表现而言更为完美的PC平台,他目前已是暴雪公 司的金牌作曲,由他谱曲(并主奏?)的DIABLO/2/Lord of Destruction系列的背景/主题音乐脍炙人口,深深地打动了音乐爱好者的心,该系列乐曲曲风难以想象地将细腻、华美、诡异、磅礴、东/西部少数民 族等气质完美地糅合并体现了出来,使得音乐具有了如同鸦片般难以抗拒的吸引力。
Matt Uelmen (Ohl-min) (born January 1, 1973) is a composer. He is best known for his work in Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo series, which was recognized with the inaugural Excellence in Audio award by the IGDA in 2001. He also worked as a sound designer in StarCraft. Recently, he composed the music for the Outland areas of the 2007 release World Of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. This game was his last before his departure from Blizzard Entertainment. Matt Uelmen is now listed as a member of the Runic Games team