卓娜·玫翠丝 Joana Metrass
Born in Lisbon, Portugal with Italian, French, Argentinian, Chinese and Cape Vert heritage.
She moved to the U.S.A at 17 to do her senior year as an exchange student.
She went back to Portugal where she attended the Portuguese National Conservatory, in between studies in New York and Italy . Worked for several years in the Portuguese film and TV industry. Moved to London in June 2013. Where she landed her first parts in International mov...(展开全部) Born in Lisbon, Portugal with Italian, French, Argentinian, Chinese and Cape Vert heritage.
She moved to the U.S.A at 17 to do her senior year as an exchange student.
She went back to Portugal where she attended the Portuguese National Conservatory, in between studies in New York and Italy . Worked for several years in the Portuguese film and TV industry. Moved to London in June 2013. Where she landed her first parts in International movies.
Wins a Gulbenkian scholarship to study in L.A for 3 months in Feb 2014. Returns to her work in London until moving to L.A in Jan 2015.