当你夹起晶莹剔透的生鱼片,享受它带来的唇 齿生香的愉悦时,是否想到过太平洋里蓝鳍金 枪鱼种群正在迅速滑向死境?人类种群的日益 庞大和人类欲望的难以满足正在为这个星球上 的其他居民带来什么影响?而这又将反过来给 人类命运带来什么影响?在过去的三十年中,寿司这个异常简单却又不失优雅的食物是怎样从东京小贩的街头兜售开始, 继而席卷全球,成为了一个潮流的呢?《寿司 与全球渔获》这部在五个国家辗转拍摄的长纪录片试图去探索这道佳肴的过去、成长过程以 及它的未来发展。
Sushi began as simple street food in Tokyo but has developed into a worldwide phenomenon. From restaurants in New York and Warsaw to grocery stores and football games, sushi is on the menu. Can this growth continue without consequence? Sushi: The Global Catch is a call to action that cannot be ignored.